What is meant by asp.net?
About web methods and its various attributes ?
What are the two properties that are common on every validation control?
What can we do with asp.net?
Do ASP.NET forms authentication cookies provide any protection against replay attacks? Do they, for example, include the client's IP address or anything else that would distinguish the real client from an attacker?
In SP has contains 10 query,By Using Dataset Object I need to fetch 8th query of records? How?
Hi please tell me what is ISNOTPOSTBACK,POSTBACK,AUTOPOSTBACK and also the extensions of aspx,asmx,ascx its urgent plz reply me soon....
what is use of doctype tag in asp.net
What do you mean by authorization?
When web.config is called ?
About SOAP ?
Types of objects in ASP?
What is query string in asp.net?