What is intrinsic objects in asp.net?
Is it necessary to undertsand these events of an ASPX page execute. Explain its importantance?
What are the different types of sessions in asp.net? Name them?
what are the events in ASP.net page life cycle?
difference between caching objects in session objects?
Explain the differences between clr & cts?
In order to bind the data from a data source to the Repeater control what property is set and what method must you call in your code,?
In your web.config file which attribute of <Globalization> element identifies the default culture that will be used for web request?
what is impersonation in ASP.NET?
7 Answers Accenture, Merrill Lynch, Wipro,
where the stored procedure are written in business logic or data acess layer?
What is the use of global.asax file?
When maintaining session through sql server, what is the impact of read and write operation on session objects?
how many databases and tables are uses in one project?