Is asp net front end or backend?
What is data grid view in
In how many ways we can retrieve table records count?
Explain Optimization technique description?
How to display validation messages in one control?
What is AppDomain?Explain how it works.
What are the modes of updation in an updatepanel? What are triggers of an updatepanel?
I have a webform in that webform there is 2 division class(DIV).in one of the div class there is a text box for enter the id & a button for to check id with database value.My doubt is that how can i appear the 2nd Div contents only when the id is true with database value.if wrong do not display the div . i Want code in c#.
Explain what a diffgram is, and a good use for one?
What are the types of session in
What are resource file and how do we generate resource file?
Can we use multiple forms in single application?
What are Session states available and its Uses?