I have 20 steps in a job... step01, 02....step17...step20.
For some reason I want to execute step17 only if the return
code for all the previous steps are less than or equal to 4.
otherwise if return code for any of the previous 16 steps
is greater than 4, then step17 should be bypassed. How do I
do that ?? how and in which step should i formulate COND

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I have 20 steps in a job... step01, 02....step17...step20. For some reason I want to execute step17..

Answer / vijay sankar

sorry...i mentioned wrongly

if the COND parameter is true,the step is bypassed.

so if the previous steps having 0 or 4 , then we use //
COND=(4,LT) .....this step will excute.

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I have 20 steps in a job... step01, 02....step17...step20. For some reason I want to execute step17..

Answer / vijay sankar

The purpose of the COND is to determine whether the step
should be executed or bypassed. If condition specified in
the COND parameter is true,the step is bypassed.

so if we use // COND=(4,LT) .....this step will never excute
use COND=(4,GT)which is correct

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

I have 20 steps in a job... step01, 02....step17...step20. For some reason I want to execute step17..

Answer / s

COND paramater should be in the step17 only

//step17 exec ......COND=(4,LT)

This condition will skip step17 when the return code is
lessthan or equal to 4 of all the previous steps.
(do not give any step name in cond)

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

I have 20 steps in a job... step01, 02....step17...step20. For some reason I want to execute step17..

Answer / ssssss

//STEP17 EXEC pgm=aaaaa,
// COND=(4,LT)

this will execute only the step017. If the return code is
Zero for the previous step then 4 is not less than zero so
condition fails so it will execute this step

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I have 20 steps in a job... step01, 02....step17...step20. For some reason I want to execute step17..

Answer / nidhi sharma

//step17 exec cond=(4,LT)

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I have 20 steps in a job... step01, 02....step17...step20. For some reason I want to execute step17..

Answer / shesha

COND paramater should be in the step17 only

//step17 exec ......COND=(4,LT)

This condition will skip step17 when the return code is
lessthan or equal to 4 of all the previous steps.
(do not give any step name in cond)

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

I have 20 steps in a job... step01, 02....step17...step20. For some reason I want to execute step17..

Answer / satya sivaji.ch

//step17 exec COND=(4,GT)

This says that if any of the previous steps with return
code of greaterthan 4,then it wil bypass,if it less than
then execute it.

In condition parameter wat ever condition u specified
inside the condition parameter is true,then the step should
be bypassed.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

I have 20 steps in a job... step01, 02....step17...step20. For some reason I want to execute step17..

Answer / sankarikumar

step 17 wil execute only if cond is false so u can it as
//step17 .... cond=(4,gt) in 17th step

suppose if u give cond=(4,lt) then step 17 will not
execute it will just by pass if cond satisfies((i.e.)4,lt)

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