What is an interface in oop?
Is data hiding and abstraction same?
why we are declare the function in the abstract class even though we are declaring it in Derived class?
What is purpose of inheritance?
Generally, in all C++ programs, texts are in white colour. Can we change the colour of the text(either input or output or both)? If so, help me out.
What are the three main types of variables?
Why many objects can working together? How objects working togetherM I want to see example code.
Which is better struts or spring?
What is the outcome of the line of code "cout<<abs(- 16.5);"? 1) 16 2) 17 3) 16.5
can main method be overloaded...??? How..????
What is polymorphism explain?
What is encapsulation c#?
What is class encapsulation?