What is the best shell scripting language?
How to print some text on to the screen?
Hi All, Is it possible to create one file name only space or space in file name in UNIX and we can able to run that on Unix?
Why we are writting shell scripts? Plz if possible explain it briefly.
How to make userdefined variables to available for all other shells?
Is bash a shell script?
What is difference between shell and bash scripting?
Is cmd a shell?
Why are there shells on the beach?
Explain about sourcing commands?
How to sort a result of Ls -l command based on columns. Ex. i want to sort 5th column from output of ls -l command.
what are bootlevel in linux?which level is booting by default.
write a shell script to generate a alert ? like when ur birthday came then generate a alert ur birthday is today like that ?