What is difference between array and pointer in c?
Read two numbers from keyboard and find maximum of them?
main() { float f1=10.5; double db1=10.5 if(f1==db1) printf("a"); else printf("b") }
Why we not create function inside function.
Find Error if any in below code, Justify ur answer: struct xx { int a; struct yy { char c; struct xx* p; } struct yy* q; }
What are the advantages of external class?
a<<1 is equivalent to a) multiplying by 2 b) dividing by 2 c) adding 2 d)none of the above
What is c language & why it is used?
program to print upper & lower triangle of a matrix
union { char ch[10]; short s; }test; test.s = 0xabcd; main() { printf("%d",ch[10]); }
2. What does static variable mean?
why TCS selected more student in the software field from all institution.
How reliable are floating-point comparisons?