What is polymorphism give a real life example?
When is it necessary to use member-wise initialization list in C++?
What is the full form of oops?
What is overloading in oop?
Difference between over loading and over ridding?
12 Answers CTS, Patni, Softvision Solution,
How to call a non virtual function in the derived class by using base class pointer
What is the difference between pass by value,pass by pointer,pass by reference in the catch block in the exception handling in c++
What are the advantages of polymorphism?
How would you stop a class from class from being derived or inherited.
Whatis the difference between oop and object based language
How to handle exception in c++, For example in a functions i am assigning memory to some variables and also in next instructions in am dividing one variable also. If this functions generates a error while allocating memory to those variable and also while dividing the variable if i divide by zero then catch block how it will identify that this error has cone from perticular instruction
What is object-oriented programming? Webopedia definition
What is the highest level of cohesion?