What type is sizeof?
How will you declare an array of three function pointers where each function receives two ints and returns a float?
why arithmetic operation can’t be performed on a void pointer?
differentiate between const char *a; char *const a; and char const *a;
2 Answers College School Exams Tests, HCL, TCS,
What is the condition that is applied with ?: Operator?
dibakar & vekatesh..uttejana here..abt ur reply for in place reversal of linked list..wats p stands for there?
Explain b+ tree?
how can i include my own .h file EX:- alex.h like #include<alex.h>, rather than #include"alex.h"
What is a lvalue
say the following declaration is correct nr not. int b=a,n=0;
Why the below program throughs error during compilation? #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> enum { ZERO, ONE, TWO, }; main() { printf("%d",&TWO); getch(); }
Explain pointer. What are function pointers in C?
difference between memcpy and strcpy