What is the difference between mysql_connect() and

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What is the difference between mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect()?..

Answer / jyotisankar pradhan

mysql_connect open a new connection to the database

but mysql_pconnect open a persistant connection to the database

Is This Answer Correct ?    80 Yes 11 No

What is the difference between mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect()?..

Answer / amita

mysql_connect everytime open a new connection to the database

while using mysql_pconnect , the function would first try to
find a (persistent) link that's already open with the same
host, username and password. If one is found, an identifier
for it will be returned instead of opening a new connection...
the connection to the SQL server will not be closed when the
execution of the script ends. Instead, the link will remain
open for future use.

Is This Answer Correct ?    72 Yes 4 No

What is the difference between mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect()?..

Answer / jayapirakash

Mysql_connect()->we can colse the datedase
Mysql_pconnect()->we can't close the datadase

Mysql_conect()->opens the database every time page is load
Mysql_pconnect()->Need not to the every time page load

Is This Answer Correct ?    48 Yes 11 No

What is the difference between mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect()?..

Answer / nishant patel

mysql_pconnect uses less resources, because it does not need
to establish a database connection every time a page is loaded.
persistant = continuously

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 1 No

What is the difference between mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect()?..

Answer / pavan

point 4 is absolutely right.

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What is the difference between mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect()?..

Answer / pramod kumar

1. mysql_pconnect() creates the persistent connection,mysql_connect not create persistent connection to the database.
2. mysql_connect() connection automatically disconnected after execute the code but mysql_pconnect() not.

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What is the difference between mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect()?..

Answer / sumit

In mysql_pconnect(), ‘p’ stands for persistance connection.

when connecting, the function would try to find a (persistent) connection that’s already open with the same host, username and password. If one is found, an identifier for it will be returned instead of opening a new connection.

mysql_connect() function, every time it is opening and closing the database connection.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

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