Define the mesi? : Dot net architecture
2. I've a class Parent Class A and a Derived Class B. Here is a scenario. I've an instance of Class A as objA and an instance of Class B as objB. I can refer a child class variable as objB=objA, but cannot do objA=objB what is the reason?
how to use custom field validation
how can we achieve language interoperability through CLS? How MSIL works?
Can you give an example of what might be best suited to place in the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines?
Explain how does .net mobile work? : Microsoft dot net mobile
What is the use of CLR in .NET?
Explain difference between machine config vs. Web config? : .NET Architecture
Explain different pipelining hazards and how are they eliminated? : .NET Architecture
Explain what does the term "green architecture" mean? : Dot net architecture
Explain the race around condition? : .NET Architecture How can it be overcome? : .NET Architecture
Explain dotnet framework ?
What are the different pipelining hazards and how are they eliminated? : Dot net architecture