Define managed code and managed data in .net?
Explain the flow of processing of the request? : mvc
Can I combine classic asp and pages?
how many select state ments are used in stored procedure?
which is faster ArraytList Or Collection ? how? hows the Hashing works internally ?
Give 2 examples for scenarios when routing is not applied?
I M working in 1.1 .net framework. In a page I have 5 text box & 2 data grid. In PageLoad() All text box will populate with blank value & 1st dataGrid with some value. When I click on EDIT button Of the 1st dataGrid,The Relevent data Of the particular row will populate in first 3 textboxs & corresponding relevent data Will populate in the 2nd DataGrid. Now when I click 2nd datagrid's EDIT button of a perticular Row,relevent data will populate on last 2 textboxs & 1st 3 textbox's value will be same as per as it was........ ........My Problem Is ........... When I click on edit button Of 2nd DataGrid, 1st 3 text boxes values goes Off & 2nd DataGrid Is goes off Due to Postback.but The relevent value is populated In last 2 textboxes.So How I stoped this postback??So that all the data in 1st 3 textboxes will be same.So that I can edit the values of 2nd Grid with 1st 3 textBoxes value.. plz dirctly mail me 1 copy of post to...
What type of code (server or client) is found in a Code- Behind class?
What is a query string in a url?
Explain automatic memory management in .net.
What is http post action?
How to find out what version of I am using on my machine?
What is the difference between application object and session object?