Explain the thress bms options?
What is the difference between getting the system time with EIBTIME and ASKTIME command?
Receive consists of buffer option in it. What is the significance of this option?
what is the deadlock?
write the logic for PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN by using psuedo conversatation technique?
Can you define multiple maps in a BMS mapset?
What is the difference between a PF key & a PA key ?
What is commarea (communications area)?
what is quasi-reentrant program?
What are the classifications of the cics program?
What CICS command would you use to read a VSAM KSDS sequentially in ascending order?
When there are 2 records with the same key specified in a DELETE operation what will happen?
What are the various types of accesses that can be allowed by the SERVREQ option of the DFHFCT?