Suppose my file has 10 fields and I want to make the 2nd field zeros in all records. And assume I have millions of records and I dont want to read each record and update the desired field with 0. Any other way to do this in one step operation?
what is meant by record records are locked.what is the purpose of record lock.if records are locked what to find out which record is locked.
How to index LF by relative record no (RRN)
where we give the MSGSFL in rpg400?
Can we used ovrdbf command after the opnqry file if yes then What will be out put of your program?
how do I declare a minor?
if i have three programs progA,progB and progC .now i call progB from progA. but the progB does not exist . now i want to call progC instead of starting dump. how can we achieve this.
What are the necessary keywords required to code a message subfile?
What is the syntax of passing parameters to a procedure by value?
1.Suppose my file has 10 fields and I want to make the 2nd field Zeros in all records. And assume I have millions of records and I dont want to read each record and update the desired field with 0. Any other way to do this in one step operation? 2. Assume my file has 100 records and I want to see only first 10 records. Is this possible through LF? 3.I have 3 jobs A B and C. I want to submit B after successful completion of A and want to submit C after successful completion of B. Without using job scheduler or job queue, how can i do that through CL program? 4.What is difference between Bind by copy and bind by reference?
Suppose we have one database file and it is used by 5 programs and in 3 program we have to add some records in datbase file s what is the impact on other program?
what is post opcode do
what is use of sflnxtchg and use of MDT(modify data tag).both r same r not and can we use these on dspf and subfile.