How can we override a file during runtime in rpg?
Can we create 300 logical files based on a single physical file using the CRTLF command only once?.
Have a join logical file with more than one members with different record formats. So how can we read the different members from this file and also how we can read the different record format from the join logical?
What is the name of default out queue when user logs inn to syatem with valid profile?
how can an indexed file be used as arrival sequence in RPG?
Interviewer asked me write down DDS for load all subfile .can anybody write dds
can anybody help me to solve this problem. the program that i m checking display error message saying "Record format for file AJDSPFFD does not match model file and decimal error. how to solve this problem. The AJDSPFFD is snapshot the AJTLOG that is the audit trail list.
3 members in databasefile .how to read records from all the members??
are there any useful c runtime apis that I can call from rpg iv?
What will be the value of STRING after line 0106 is executed in the code below? 0101 E* Fromfiletofile..tabnameprnentlenpdatabnamlenpda 0102 E ARR 8 1 0103 ISTRING DS 0104 I 1 8 ARR 0105 C MOVE *BLANK STRING 0106 C MOVEA'ABC' ARR A) 'AAAAAAAA' B) 'BBBBBBBB' C) 'CCCCCCCC' D) 'ABC ' E) ' ABC'
What does Implicit Open means with respect to a file ? What about the Explicit Open?..what are the major differences between these two?
Why there is invention of RPG if we can do insert update delete in CL through SQL.Why the rise of RPG?
How do u design a physical file, when you have 2 Unique fields like for eg in A student file student ID and student examination no both are unique