How to open a read-only file in the shell?
Dear All, Can anybody tell me how to predefind no. of selected rows from a text file.
What are the different types of commonly used shells on a typical linux system?
What are the three main forms of enabling debugging in a shell script?
What is sudo command?
What happens when you type ls?
how do you write sql queries using shell script for eg:- we have databae table like EMPNO,ENAME,SAL,DEPTNO columns in EMP table how you display EMPNO,SAL FIELDS from emp in SHELL SCRIPT please explain with an example
How will I insert a line "abcdef" at every 100th line of a file?
I want to connect to a remote server and execute some commands, how can I achieve this?
how is the oppurtunities for unix in the software
What is INODE?
What is @echo off?
How to handle the delimiter unit seperator in Unix