What is the syntax of "nested if statement" in shell scripting?
Hello all, This is my assignment on shell scripting, can anyone help me regarding this ? Create a shell script which connects to the database In second shell script include the first script for the DB connection Create a table (PRADEEP_DATA) with 2 columns (name, value) In Third shell script include the first script for the DB connection And insert/delete the values from the Table, by accepting input from the user This functionality should be a menu driven Program: 1) Insert to the database a. Name b. value 2)Delete from the database a.Name b.value Exception handling needs to be taken care.
How to replace following lines, catch (DAOException e) { objLogger.error(this.getClass () + "addUpdateIssues() " + e); throw new BOException(5122); } catch (BOException e) { objLogger.error(this.getClass () + "addUpdateIssues() " + e); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { objLogger.error(this.getClass () + "addUpdateIssues() " + e); throw new BOException(5122); } Needs to be changed in to, catch (DAOException e) { AppException.handleException (null, null, e, null, null, null, "BOException", this.getClass() + "addUpdateIssues() ", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 5122); } catch (BOException e) { AppException.handleException (null, null, null, e, null, null, "BOException", this.getClass() + "addUpdateIssues() ", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0); } catch (Exception e) { AppException.handleException (null, null, null, null, null, e, "BOException", this.getClass() + "addUpdateIssues() ", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 5122); }
Hi, I want to practise Unix korn shell scripting which i learnt 2 yr bfr. plz suggest software i can use to practise.
What is echo in shell?
Is it possible to substitute "ls" command in the place of "echo" command?
How to create environment variables?What are the conditions for creating variables?
What is shell scripting?
Is shell scripting difficult?
What is use of "cut" command?
What is option in shell script?
If you have a string "one two three", which shell command would you use to extract the strings?
What are the advantages of shell script?