What is exporting utility?
What the different topologies in which replication can be configured?
Is there any performance difference between if exists (select null from table) and if exists (select 1 from table)?
select top 5 * from emp order by newid() my question is , how this query get executed?
How many max. conditions can b written under the WHERE clause? Like select * from [tabnam] WHERE (cond1...or..cond2....or...cond3...and.....so on.....??? (upto how much extent))?????
Where do you think the users names and passwords will be stored in sql server?
can we call functions from stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 ? How?
Can sql server be linked with other servers like oracle?
syntex of insert
What do you understand by a view? What does the with check option clause for a view do?
How will oyu test the stored procedure taking two parameters namely first name and last name returning full name?
write a query to remove duplicate records without using primary key column?
What is scd (slowly changing dimension)? : sql server analysis services, ssas