when would you go for denormalization? : Sql server database administration
Explain about Views?
What Are Three Rules to Use UNION IN SQL SERVER
Write query to return all rows sql?
what is diffence between replicaion and logshipping?
Normalization and denormalization
can you any body tell me the how to decrease the logfile
What is the difference between dropping a database and taking a database offline?
What is a unique index?
Explain error and transaction handling in sql server?
Explain the difference between primary keys and foreign keys?
When is update_statistics command used?
Let’s say the table in the database is named as TBL_Register. The fields in this table include: 1. User_Name, 2. User_Telephone, 3. Register_Date The field Register_Date stores the current date and time of the registration. Write the SQL statement that inserts the data into the table.