Explain the three particles that make up an atom?
What is the direction of null vector?
Distinguish between optical and acoustic resonance.
Dear sir, I appeared for the interview for the post of SCIENTIST/ENGINEER 'SC'in ISRO on 02/12/2009. when the resluts will be announced??
the resolutions of a michelson interferometer operating with a light source of 640nm wavelenth is A.1280nm B.640nm C.80 nm D.1nm
What is the pitch?
Explain about Scintillometer?
What is the commercial unit of electrical energy ?
How do you convert from pascal to torr?
how to figure cubic feet of concrete using English measurements?
dear sir i need rrb chennai Section engineer S & T for last 2 year question papers. Plz send my email id is gsmaliniraj@yahoo.co.in, malinisankaram@gmail.com
Explain the Thermometers’ ?
Why ate some clocks slow in summer and fast in winter ?