How to test java applications?
What do you mean by data driven testing? a. Testing using Data Drivers. b. Testing using Excel Sheets c. Testing using Executables. d. Testing using Command Line Parameters
What is the purpose of .sbl, .sbh, .rec files?
What is standard data type and what is user defined data type?
how you copy test cases from .xls to Quality centre?
How to record & run on Japanese lanuage application using english version of IBM ???
Where do you view the results in Trap option?
how to insert clipboard verification point
How many verification points are there in Robot and What are they?
How many Comparators are there in Rational Robot? List them.
For distributed functional testing what do we require in test manager? a. Test Agent b. Test Monitor c. Test Executer d. Test Mentor
what is responsibilities of the Rational Robot
Where the datapool values are stored?