Explain the working of primary key?
- Types of triggers - View - Dcl - Procedures, packages, functions - Metasolve - Can use Dcl in triggers - package case study - Cursor and its types - triggers schedule - Wrap - Why we are using fetch and for in cursor. difference?
What is difference between left and right outer join?
What does (+) mean in sql joins?
i have some prob lem to tell me about my self in interview first round ...
What is oracle pl sql developer?
What are the qualities of 2nf?
Explain ddl statements in pl/sql?
I Have A Table Like This. Cityno Cityname Mails 1 Bangalore 8km 2 Hsr Layout 20km 3 Mejistic 30km 4 Jayadeva 55km 5 Itpl 80km 6 Hebbal 115km I Have Data Like This I Want O/p Like This Distance No.ofcity 0-50km 3 51-100km 2 101-150km 4 And So On
What is a record in pl/sql?
can we delete the trigger in a view? if yes why if not why?
what is the difference between char_length and length? : Sql dba
What does the base_object_type column shows in the user.triggers data dictionary view?