what is the effect of the options statement errors=1? : Sas programming
Do you need to combine data sets? How should you combine data sets– MERGE or SET statements in DATA steps,PROC APPEND,PROC SQL?
For clinical entire study how many tables will create approx?
Hi im new to sas. I have a file with some charecter variables and some numeric variables now i want to load charecter variables into one datastep and numeric variables into another data step pls let me know Thanks
how do u identify a macro variable
what is option year cuttoff in sas
Can you suggest us materials for sdtm mapping?
Diff between proc sql merge and join?
How to get second top scorer student from a class- table having different sections A, B, C & D? each section has same number of student.
What is factor analysis?
Assuming {et} is randomly drawn from N(0,1) and e0 = 0, generate 200 observations of xt = et − 0.5e(t−1) and draw a line graph of xt.
What is the difference between INPUT and INFILE ?
What does P-value signify about the statistical data?