how to enter characters as hex numbers? : Sql dba
Is join and inner join the same?
What is difference between a Cursor declared in a procedure and Cursor declared in a package specification ?
Can we write ddl statements in functions?
What is trigger in pl sql?
what is primary key? : Sql dba
If we declare constraints Unique and Not null on a single column then it will act as a Primary key, so what is the use of primary key??
Can a foreign key be null?
What is sql injection owasp?
What is before trigger?
what are the differences between binary and varbinary? : Sql dba
Is sql dba a good career? : SQL DBA
suppose we have a table in which 200 rows. i want to find 101 row ? what the query.... and how we find 4th and 5th highest salary and 1 to 10 highest salary