define sql delete statement ? : Sql dba
Can we have exception part in trigger ?
Define SQL and state the differences between SQL and other conventional programming Languages?
How many sql are there?
Can we perform dml in function?
Write a sql to print only character form the below string. @So&*CIE%$TE@GEN!@RAL
How can you select unique records from a table?
What are the two characteristics of a primary key?
what is the difference between inner and outer join? Explain with example. : Sql dba
I Defined SP1, Sp2 (sp=StoreProcedures)In Package Specification but I Implemented Sp1, sp2, sp3, sp4, sp5 then What type of Error You will find????
write an sql query to find names of employee start with 'a'? : Sql dba
Can sql function call stored procedure?
How to return multiple records from procedure?