what is an alias command? : Sql dba
Explain lock escalation? : Transact sql
source destination distance chennai bangalore 500 bangalore chennai 500 hyd delhi 1000 delhi hyd 1000 bangalore hyd 800 Here chennai to bangalore and bangalore to chennai is same distance. and hyd and delhi also same criteria. Based on the distance i want to display only one row using sql query?
What are the disadvantages of not performing database normalization?
how to delete duplicate rows from a join tables(I have three tables on that join) how do you know which join is need to be used? The select statement I have is: SELECT gc_skill_type.skill_type, gc_area_tec.area, gc_technology.technology, gc_technology.id_technology, gc_area_tec.id_area_tec FROM gc_skill_type, gc_area_tec, gc_technology WHERE gc_area_tec.id_skill_type (+) = gc_skill_type.id_skill_type AND gc_technology.id_area_tec (+) = gc_area_tec.id_area_tec order by gc_skill_type.skill_type asc, gc_area_tec.area asc, gc_technology.technology asc
Do prepared statements prevent sql injection?
hi sql gurus, here is my question 4 u. i wanna use triggers for sending reminder mail to all users who are registered to the site. if any one knws the code plz send me ans here : chayabs3@gmail.com thnx advance
What is referential integrity ?
Difference between inline query and stored procedure?
Why partition by is used in sql?
What are sql injection vulnerabilities?
Write a sql query to get the third highest salary of an employee from employee_table?
What is orm in sql?