What are the parameters provided by QTP?
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Answer / shreyakadiyam
1.Data table parameter
2.Action parameter
3.Test parameter
4.Environment parameter
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Answer / srikanth
Thanks Shreya..
What about Random number parameters?
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Answer / murali eddy
random number parameters enable you to insert random numbers
as values in your test or componemt.
ex: to check how your application handles small and large
ticked orders, you can have quick test generate a random
number and insert it in a number of ticket edit field.
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I got an error "The"flightres" Dialog was not found in the Object Repository. Check the OR to confirm that the object exists or to find the correct name for the object." while running the following script Set flightres=description.Create() flightres("text").value="Login" flightres("Class Name").value="Dialog" Set agent = description.Create() agent("nativeclass").value="WinEdit" agent("attachedtext").value="Agent Name:" Set pwd = description.Create() pwd("nativeclass").value="WinEdit" pwd("attachedtext").value="Password" Set button = description.Create() button("nativeclass").value="WinButton" button("Text").value="OK" Dialog("flightres").WinEdit("agent").Set "test" Dialog("flightres").WinEdit("pwd").Set "mercury" Dialog("flightres").WinButton("button").Click Please let me know if i made any mistake in the above script...?