What is quick test pro? What is a quick test professional?
Can any body please tell me the steps of keyword driven framework of QTP.
what is use of optionexplicit in variable declaration
when we open flight reservation.at that time where we found synchronization point() and wait function().i m confused .i want this answer.
How we can merge the object repositories?say if we have two or three object repositories then how e can merge them? is there any option in Qtp to merge the object repositories
What is the method for maximize the application while we using Decriptive programming in QTP?
Please let know the scripts for counting number of repeated letters in the word. Note repeated letter should not be count agian. Ex: If "Hello" is my word... l is coming twice.. it should count once and print... secong 'l' should not count again..
How to find a window is minimized or not
what version of test director supports the QTP? does testdirector supports the QTP9.0?
where we are going to write the descriptive programming.for example we are invoking qtp application where we are going to write that code
In QTP can we feed the out of one browser(internet explorer) as an input to the another browser(mozilla firefox)? If yes explain how to do it with an example.
Can you tell me QTP is support for GIS(Geography Information System) Based Software.
what is syncurnisation point? what is the use of this in real time environment? plz explain?