What is a ‘test plan’? What is a ‘test case’?
What are the different types of an automation tool that you are aware of?
Hi, Below is the code that i ran on selenium RC using eclipse IDE and java coding.: package source; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; public class parameterized extends SeleneseTestCase { private Selenium browser; public static void main(String []args) { String arr[] = new String[5]; arr[0]= "bert"; arr[1]= "regular"; arr[2]= "copyonly"; arr[3]= "doert"; arr[4]= "inter"; parameterized obj = new parameterized(); obj.setUp(); obj.login_parameterize(arr); } @BeforeSuite public void setUp() { browser = new DefaultSelenium("localhost",4444, "*chrome", "http://goolge.com"); browser.start(); browser.open("http://goolge.com"); browser.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); browser.windowMaximize(); browser.open("/"); browser.click("gb_23"); } @Test public void login_parameterize(String[] arr ) { for(int i=0;i<=5;i++) { for(int j=0;j<=2; j++) { browser.type("//input[@id='Email']", arr[i]); browser.type("//input[@id='Passwd']", arr[i]); browser.click("//input[@id='signIn']"); browser.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); } } } public void EnterValuesIntoTextField_CheckWithGetValue() throws Exception { selenium.open("http://www.essaywriter.co.uk"); assertEquals("", selenium.getValue("id=textInput")); selenium.type("id=textInput", "Text In The Field"); assertEquals("Text In The Field", selenium.getValue("id=textInput")); } } When i ran this test i got an error which says: "Method login_parameterize requires 1 parameters but 0 were supplied in the @Test annotation." Any help is much appreciated. thank Gab
What automating testing tools are you familiar with?
1.Which functinalities of QTP using in onlinebanking system? 2.in lift which kind of testing you perform? 3.how do you test money is transform from one account to another account in online banking?
how is mind q venkat training in testing for weekend or general batches.and any other good institutes in ameerpet
Do you know how to verify if the checkbox/radio is checked or not?
How will you choose a tool for test automation?
Hi, here r some questions, which were asked in Ekaplus, plz process these questions. 1. How we connect with the version?
What are the risks associated in automation testing?
Can you explain me what is object repository?
What are the types of framework used in software automation testing ?
I am fresher and i have completed my software testing course and i don't have real time experience,can anybody help me regarding financial domain projects,main testcases in that domain.