List all the types of user-defined functions?
Explain the advantages of merge replication?
What are the requirements to use odbc connections in php scripts?
What are the requirements for sql server 2016?
What are the advantages dts has over bcp?
how many non clustered index in sql server 2008,2010,2012
i have a table like this Eno ename 1 a 2 b 3 c i want to display ename and bossname from table hint boss is also an employee
How do you identify a foreign key?
Let’s say the table in the database is named as TBL_Register. The fields in this table include: 1. User_Name, 2. User_Telephone, 3. Register_Date The field Register_Date stores the current date and time of the registration. Write the SQL statement that inserts the data into the table.
Do you know what is blocking?
in my server i have 3 instances,one of them got failed, and this cause we r not able to connect to server, how to know which instance was dameged?
Explain having clause and where clause?
What are different types of collation sensitivity?