What is Marker interface in java? and what is clone?

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What is Marker interface in java? and what is clone?..

Answer / koti

Marker Interface:
Marker interface may be containing
methods,may not be containing methods.

Whenever any interface having a special behavior that type
of interfaces are called as marker interfaces (or) indicator
interface (or) tagged interface.

If interfaces not containing the methods, implementation
provided by the JVM.the given interfaces are not containing
the methods.
Ex: 1.java.lang.Serializable

If interfaces containing methods then JVM not providing the
implementation ,expecting the implementation from the

Ex: 1.java.lang.Runnable having the Run().
2.java.io.Externalizable having two methods those are
(a) writeExternal()
(b) readExternal()

In this Externalizable super class is Serializable.

Serializable not containing the methods but Externalizable
containing the methods.How can we say marker interface not
containing methods.

when super class serialized sub class also serialized.Where
as sub class is serialized super class members are serialized.

clone is duplicate collection of objects.

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What is Marker interface in java? and what is clone?..

Answer / srinivas

the interface doesn't have any methods called marker interface
But due to implement that interface the object contain some capability.
EX: Clonable

Cloning means we can create exatly duplicate object

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What is Marker interface in java? and what is clone?..

Answer / kavya

It’s a kind of interface which has no method is known as marker interface. Serializable, Clonnable is the example of marker interface to create <a href="http://beyondcorner.com/create-own-marker-interface-in-java">Marker Interface in Java </a>
Use of Marker Interface:
Marker Interfaces are used to indicate something to compiler/JVM. If JVM see that a class is a object of Marker Interface then it will perform some special operation. Take an example with Serializable, Clonnable marker interface, if JVM see a Class is Serialized/Clonnable then It will do some special operation on it, similar way if JVM sees one Class is implemented custom marker interface which is created by ourself then the JVM do some special operation.

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What is Marker interface in java? and what is clone?..

Answer / kavya

Use of marker interface in java

Marker Interfaces are used to indicate something to compiler/JVM. If JVM see that a class is a object of Marker Interface then it will perform some special operation. Take an example with Serializable, Clonnable marker interface, if JVM see a Class is Serialized/Clonnable then It will do some special operation on it, similar way if JVM sees one Class is implemented custom marker interface which is created by ourself then the JVM do some special operation. How it’d do the special operation

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What is Marker interface in java? and what is clone?..

Answer / sai

Marker Interface is a interface which does not have methods
and also one more point is that it makes the method to
execute compulsory.Example Runnable Interface we call it as
a Marker Interface but as per the First Point it should not
be a Marker Interface but it contains a run() and when u r
extending the Thread Class it is making u to execute run()

So my dear friends when u r argue abt some topic plz be
clear with it and then argue.

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What is Marker interface in java? and what is clone?..

Answer / abirami

marker interface is a class in garbage collection and clone
is the bit wise copy of an object

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