what is the difference between
const char *p, char const *p, const char* const p

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what is the difference between const char *p, char const *p, const char* const p ..

Answer / kumar krishna

CONST char *p;
here the const. keyword is coming before the "*p"
So it affects the value pointed by "p" i.e. "*p"
You can't change the character (value pointed by p).
Although you can change the address stored in "p".

char CONST *p;
same explanation as above

char * CONST p;
here the const. keyword is coming before the "p" and
after "*" So it affects the value of "p" (which holds
the address). You can't change the address stored in
"p". Although you can change the value pointed by p
i.e. "*p"

CONST char* CONST p:
here CONST is coming before the "*" as well as after
the "*". Therefore, as expeected neither the address
of nor the value pointed by "p" can be changed.

Is This Answer Correct ?    170 Yes 11 No

what is the difference between const char *p, char const *p, const char* const p ..

Answer / singamsa

const char*p - p is pointer to the constant character i.e
value in that address location is constact

char const *p - same as above

const char* const p - p is the constant pointer which
points to the constant string, both value and address are

Is This Answer Correct ?    115 Yes 49 No

what is the difference between const char *p, char const *p, const char* const p ..

Answer / vignesh1988i

CONST char *p:
here the const. keyword is coming before the data
type... so the string here will be the constant but not he
char CONST *p:
here also the string will be the constant but not the
CONST char* CONST p:
here both , the string as well the pointer will be constant

Is This Answer Correct ?    64 Yes 32 No

what is the difference between const char *p, char const *p, const char* const p ..

Answer / magdaleen

In a const char *p the chrac pointed by 'p' is a const, so
u cant change the value of the charac ponted by 'p', but u
can make 'p' refer to some other location.

In a char const *p, the ptr 'p' is constant not the
character refered by it, so u can not make 'p' refer to
anyother location, but u can change the value of the charac
pointed by 'p'

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 4 No

what is the difference between const char *p, char const *p, const char* const p ..

Answer / bhargav

Const char *P ->
declares a pointer through which you may be able to access
a char but you can not change it through the said pointer.
But the pointer itself can be changed.

char const *p ->
in this the value is constant

const char* const p ->
both address and value are constants

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 22 No

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