What is workflow manager?
Mention few advantages of router transformation over filter transformation.
When you connect to repository for the first time it asks you for user name & password of repository and database both. But subsequent times it asks only repository password. Why?
What is active and passive transformation?
what is unit testing?tell me proceedure
What is source qualifier transformation in informatica?
How to jion 2 tables, without using any condition?
Why do we need informatica?
What is factless fact schema?
what is the difference between repository & Intergration service
How your source files are coming to your ETL server. Actually at which stage of your mapping it is happen.
What are the new features in Informatica 5.0?
Hi I have two sources like A, B. My source A contain 10000 million records from that i need 20 attributes. My source B has also same 10000 million records from that i need only 1 attribute. By using Joiner i have to load into target? Is there any issue regarding this? if issue is there how to tune this mapping in best way?