List some java keywords sun like c, c + + keywords?
What is the ==?
What is reverse function?
2) Suppose there are 5 directories having lot of files (say txt files) in each directory. 2 things :- 2.1) You want to search for filenames which have a particular pattern. 2.2) Out of these filtered files you want to search for a particular keyword or a search string. How can you achieve this?
Can we have a abstract class withought any method? What is a purspose of this?
What is member in java?
what is the use of abstract class?
3 Answers Amdocs, Atos Origin, Invictus,
What is the argument in java?
What are virtual methods?
public class Base { public void myMethod(int a,intb) {} } // Uses myMethod and then hides it. public class DerivedOne extends Base { private void myMethod(int a,int b); } will this compile or not .yes or no. why
What does yield method of the thread class do?
What is boolean used for?
Explain about complier design(phases)
0 Answers Aditi Placement Service,