How many catch blocks can be there for a single try block?

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How many catch blocks can be there for a single try block?..

Answer / gladiator

There can be any number of catch block for a single try

However only the catch block encountered first on the call
stack that satisfies the condition for the exception will
be executed for that particular exception, rest will be

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How many catch blocks can be there for a single try block?..

Answer / bikas pandey

You can have as many as catch block for a single try block

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 1 No

How many catch blocks can be there for a single try block?..

Answer / d.s naidu

Single try block can handle multiple catch blocks.Let
assume if you have 4 catch blocks for a single try block.
while excuting/debugging the code, if the exception raises
that will go the appropriate catch block and resolve the
problem by the programmer. the remaining 3 catch blocks
will raise , if those really having the exception as per
the code logic

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 4 No

How many catch blocks can be there for a single try block?..

Answer / ankita

The try block is immediately followed by zero or more catch
blocks. It means you can use as many catch blocks with one
try block. But there must be at least one catch block
following a try block, unless you are using a finally block.
For example, consider the following program:
Class Exception {
Public Static void main(string args[ ] ){
int d,a;
try { // monitor a block of code
System.out.println(*This will not be printed,*);
} catch(Arithmetic Exception) { // Catch divide-by-zero
error System.out.println(*Division by Zero*);
System.out.println(*After catch statement.*);
} }
This program generates the following output
Division by Zero.
After Catch Statement.

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How many catch blocks can be there for a single try block?..

Answer / ravindarjobs

Hey! The great Gladiator, where are u? Come on to the War.

u have to catch so many people and kill them at a time

Dont waste time on giving suggestions on try and catch

Thanks and Regards

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 42 No

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