what are input dataset and output dataset options?

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what are input dataset and output dataset options?..

Answer / koduri

input data set options
output data set options
compress , reuse
both input and output dataset option
keep,drop,rename,obs,first obs.

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what are input dataset and output dataset options?..

Answer / natrajboga

there is no specific I/P and O/P data set options

the data set options are classified as

Data set control options
Variable control options
Observation control options
miscellaneous options
and etc....

data set options take the action in which it appear .

it means If you apply to the output data set then data set
options take the action while writing to the data set
and If you specify with the I/P data set then data set
options takes the action while processing.

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what are input dataset and output dataset options?..

Answer / sumalatha.ch

what options we are using inthe data step those are all
input options..and output options are in proc step what we
are used..becoz based onthis we will get output...
ex..if keep option is used in data step that is input
option..at the same way keep option if u use in proc step
that is output option

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what are input dataset and output dataset options?..

Answer / thirumalesh.e.

dataset options which effect and protect records are input options, where as
options those effect output or dataset created after PDV process is done are output options.

ex. Alter, bufno, bufsize, compress, encoding, encrypt , keep and other who does the same role. are input options.

label, genmax, index, obs, outrep, replace and other who does the same role are output options.

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what are input dataset and output dataset options?..

Answer / bioni

i have 200 dataset and i need to output a number from each
of the dataset to one dataset. how to do this?

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what are input dataset and output dataset options?..

Answer / ram

informat is input data set
ods is output data set

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