what are Instancing for classes provided by ActiveX
component like prive, publicnotcreatable,SingleUse,
Answer / cp
1. Private - Client Applications cannot create the class.
Project containing class only can create object.
2. PublicNotCreatable- Its an internal creatable
class. Client application can use the instance of class but
cannot create instance on their own.
3 SingleUse – for ActiveXexe only. Every time create
new object service will instantiate new ActiveXexe object.
And each instance will get own copy of global variable.
4 GlobalSingleUse – Same as single use only
difference is you can use it as a global function.
4. MultiUse – Default. Allow any number of instance
creatable from internally as
well as externally.
5. GlobalMultiUse – Same as Multiuse only difference
is explicitly instantiation of class is not required to
access methods and properties.
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