How to create function without parameter in sql server?
How much is a sql server license?
Explain triggers?
Can a stored procedure call itself or a recursive stored procedure? How many levels of sp nesting is possible?
What are the benefits of filtered indexes?
What is clr ddl trigger?
Write a program to fetch first 10 records from a file?
Can I know,how to Execute Funcion and Trigger through command(Manualy Execution) in MS SQL/SERVER 2005,give me answer with Example.
how do u do Performance tunning ?
1 Answers Infodat Technologies, Satyam,
what is the different types of backups available in sql server? : Sql server database administration
What are the Advantages of using CTE in sql server?
What do you understand by a view?
Will sql server 2005 allow you to reduce the size of a column?