When does the auto update index statistics feature in sql server turn itself on?q) what specific conditions database should meet, before you can bulk copy data into it using bcp?
What is nonclustered index on computed columns?
What is transcation?Plz give One example?
What is the use of partition by in sql server?
Define union, union all, minus, intersect?
What is a join and their types?
2 Answers Challenger Financial,
What is page-level compression?
can you any body tell me simple recovery,full recovery,bulk logged recovery where can use?
What will be the maximum number of index per table?
if 3 duplicate records in a table,i want to delete 2 duplicate records by keeping 1 as it is,how?
What is the log shipping?
explain different types of joins? : Sql server database administration
What is the difference between temp table and table variable?