Every night you run a full backup after every 3 three hours you make a differential backup every hour you make an incremental backup in a worst-case scenario, how much work you can lose?
what are user defined datatypes? : Sql server database administration
1)what is the difference between Reinitializing a Subscription and synchronization the subscription? 2)when to use reinitializing ? 3)when to use synchronization? 4)when adding table or deleting a table what to do?(reinz.. or syn) 5)when adding a column what to do?
Explain the creation and execution of a user-defined function in the sql server?
what are database files and filegroups? : Sql server database administration
Do you know what is normalization of database? What are its benefits?
What are the types of subscriptions in SQL Server replication?
What are cursors? Explain different types of cursors. What are the disadvantages of cursors? How can you avoid cursors?
Do you know the cursor optimization tips?
How can you get @@error and @@rowcount at the same time?
How reterive duplicate value in SQL?
How to list all objects in a given schema?
In the below query i have performed the commit transaction statement but still the values after the save are not saved. Can you please let me know why are the statements after save are rolled back even after commiting the data. help me with the understanding declare @trans2 varchar(10)='transaction2' begin transaction @trans2 insert into emp values(100,'xy',600); save transaction @trans2 insert into emp values(200,'pq',700); insert into emp values(300,'pq',800); commit transaction @trans2 rollback tran @trans2