What is self contained multi valued query?
What is an etl file?
How to count duplicated values in a column in ms sql server?
what is Buffer cash and Log Cache? Can you Explain it?
i have account table which consists of account name,card no and card no consists 16 digits now i want to retrieve the data if card no starts from 4 then it should print visa and if it starts from 5 then it should print master so plse help me to write simple query with out store procs .
What are the properties of the transaction?
How column data types are determined in a view?
What is perspective, have you ever created perspective? : sql server analysis services, ssas
How to transfer Logins from SQL Server 2000 to 2005
How do I find the transaction log size in sql server?
How to replace given values with null using nullif()?
What is “begin trans”, “commit tran”, “rollback tran” and “savetran”?
What do you understand by coalesce in sql server?