Explain transaction isolation levels in sql server?
hw you create table in sql using existing table and variable should be in specific order given ex : in old table empid empname empsal empage empbirthdate empaddrs like is there in new table we need it as EX: exmpname empage empaddrs empid empbirthdate like we want hw we create this as a table not view or nt reporting
How to access the inserted record of an event?
what is a join? : Sql server database administration
Explain about Views?
How can we write or define DDL statements in Sql server and DML statements?
How to provide default values to stored procedure parameters?
How fixed length strings are truncated and padded?
What are the different Topologies in which Replication can be configured?
what is diffrent between store procedure and trigger
How to create a ddl trigger using "create trigger" statements?
What is the difference between login and a user?
13 Answers CTS, TCS,
What is the difference between functions and stored procedures?