Describe sql comments?
What is the difference between anonymous block and named block or stored procedure?
what is 'mysqladmin' in mysql? : Sql dba
How to return an array from java to pl/sql?
Explain what is sql?
what are ddl statements in mysql? : Sql dba
what is the difernece between named and anonymous pl/sql blocks??
is it mandatory to select all the column in a view then what columns should be selected
Display the total debit counts, total credit counts, sum of total debits, sum of total credits from an employee's transaction table (a single table) containing the following columns. Transaction_number Transaction_amount Transaction_date Transaction_type --> tells if the amount is a credit or a debit. As the query alone is important, the table is left with specifying just the field's name. Pls help me with this query.
how to convert character strings to numeric values? : Sql dba
How the execution will be done in exceptions?
What are properties of the transaction?
What is the difference between DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP?