What is parameterized testing in testng?
What is the difference between TESTNG and JUNIT? List out Annotations?
1 Answers HCL, Quovantis Technologies,
Does the selenium have any limitations?
in real time, where do u log defects using selenium?
What are the different types of frameworks?
What are the capabilities of selenium webdriver or selenium 2.0?
Do you know how to locate a link using its text in selenium?
What must one set within side in order to run a test from the beginning to a certain point within the test?
How to perform right click using webdriver?
How can you fetch an attribute from an element? How to retrieve typed text from a textbox?
How to retrieve css properties of an element?
What is the alternate way to click on the login button?
Using selenium ide is it possible to get data from a particular html table cell?