What are tables and fields?
What does partition by mean in sql?
what is the difference between sql and t-sql? : Transact sql
Use The Implicit cursor to Query The Department table information Where Deptno is 30.check,if no record was found then print "Record Was Not Found".Else Print Deptname And Ename.Dept table Have Dname Varchar2(20),Deptno Number,EnameVarchar2(20).Please Answer In 2 mins,with in Maximum 15 lines.
what happens if null values are involved in expressions? : Sql dba
diff b/w sub query and co-relater query?
Explain what is dbms?
what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_object? : Sql dba
can we write stored function in out parameters? how to call through select statement? how to written more than one value plz give the exmple?
Are stored procedures compiled?
How long will it take to learn pl sql?
what does the t-sql command ident_incr does? : Transact sql
Can we insert delete data in view?