Explain access modifiers in java.
What does sizeof return?
What is the super void?
After compilation of java program we'll get .class code. If it's generated in OS Windows XP will it work on OS Linux? If yes why? If no why?
Which is bigger float or double?
Define interface in java?
What is the latest version of java?
Say you want to store the information about a number of pets in an array. Typical information that you could store for each pet (where relevant) would be • Breed of animal • Animal's name • Its birth date • Its sex • Whether it has been sterilised or not • When it is due for its next inoculation • When it last had its wings clipped For each type of pet (eg. dog, cat or bird) you would typically define a class to hold the relevant data. Note: You do not need to implement these classes. Just answer the following questions. 3.1.1 What would be the advantage of creating a superclass (eg. Pet) and declaring an array of Pet objects over simply using an array of Objects, storing each of the instances of the different pet classes (eg. Dog, Cat or Bird) in it? 3.1.2 Would you define Pet as a class or as an interface? Why? (2) (2)
What is default size of arraylist in java?
What steps are taken when the OS shifts from one-thread execution to another?
How does regex work?
Is set sorted in java?
how to identify duplicate values in arraylist