How many bytes is string in java?
what is the Yield() method used in threads?
How can we handle runtime exceptions? write one sample program? Can we write runtime exceptions beside the throws key word? if yes write sample program?
What do you understand by overloading and overriding in java?
What is the difference between @before and @beforeclass annotation?
What is double checked locking in singleton?
What is the meaning of variables in research?
if am have 100 threads(for ex:T1,T2---T100) how we give priority to these threads and how the system excute these threads
Is it possible to use Semaphore/ Mutex in an Interrupt Handler?
How can you say HashMap is syncronized?
Name component subclasses that support painting in java programming?
what is purpose of writting public static void main(Strind arg[]) in java..?
Is an object null?