Why are algorithms important in c program?
What is the use of printf() and scanf() functions?
What is the difference b/w Structure & Union?
What is the correct declaration of main?
What are type modifiers in c?
#include<string.h> void main() { String s1[]={"swathi"}; string s2[]={"maddimsetti"}; s1[]=s[]; printf("%s",s1[]); }
while running a program, i got the msg that press return key to exit.what that mean in C as there are no such options as far i know.
What are the types of type specifiers?
18)struct base {int a,b; base(); int virtual function1(); } struct derv1:base{ int b,c,d; derv1() int virtual function1(); } struct derv2 : base {int a,e; } base::base() { a=2;b=3; } derv1::derv1(){ b=5; c=10;d=11;} base::function1() {return(100); } derv1::function1() { return(200); } main() base ba; derv1 d1,d2; printf("%d %d",d1.a,d1.b) o/p is a)a=2;b=3; b)a=3; b=2; c)a=5; b=10; d)none 19) for the above program answer the following q's main() base da; derv1 d1; derv2 d2; printf("%d %d %d",da.function1(),d1.function1(),d2.function1 ()); o/p is a)100,200,200; b)200,100,200; c)200,200,100; d)none 20)struct { int x; int y; }abc; you can not access x by the following 1)abc-->x; 2)abc[0]-->x; abc.x; (abc)-->x; a)1,2,3 b)2&3 c)1&2 d)1,3,4
Can variables be declared anywhere in c?
int main() { int i=-1,j=-1;k=0,l=2,m; m=i++&&j++&&k++||l++; printf("%d%d%d%d%d",i,j,k,l,m); }
wats the diference btwen constant pointer and pointer to a constant.pls give examples.
what is the main use of c where it can use the c