Is binding between soap and wsdl possible?
soapui <person> <fname>abc</fname> <lname>xyz</lname> <age>22</age> </person> above data i am prepareing in soapui and run the request and generate response. how to fetch this xml response data using oracle sql query. pls tell me query.
What are the steps that are required after providing the services to the clients?
What is the role of wsdl document in web service testing?
what is the response format for SOAP response?
What are the advantages which a user can get when he uses SOAP?
What is entrust entitlements service?
write a sql query retrive all xml data. how to retrive xml data wit single sql query.
What are the factors that help to decide which style of web services – soap or rest – to use?
What are steps that are required to create a client side program that can interact with the soap?
explain how you can parameterize the endpoints in soap ui?
How does soap work?
what are the syntax rules for SOAP message?