Explain the difference in execution of triggers and stored procedures?
what is definer rights invoke rights?
table having two columns - entity,zone enity zone pen east pen west pen north pen south pen east pencil east pencil east pencil west I want the output as : entity east west north south pen 2 1 1 1 pencil 2 1 0 0
what is meant by urlencode and urldocode? : Sql dba
How to use sql statements in pl/sql?
What is normalization sql?
What is a sql schema used for?
how will you find out the last three records in a table with n no of records and delete them
What is autocommit sql?
What is the first action to perform a query? Suppose I have four tables and five joins and my query is getting slow day by day.
how to use like conditions? : Sql dba
full outer join syntax
Give an example of Full Outer Join?